From the course: Xamarin Essential Training: Create Your First App

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Define shared classes

Define shared classes

- I'm going to go ahead and delete this Class1 file. I could reuse it, but I also want to be able to show I can come up here and I can add a new class. You see, I get some templates here. Empty Class, Enumeration or Interface. I'm just going to call this product and create. Now I've got the right file name as well as a class name and I get rid of the constructor, I don't really need that. I'm going to use my IntelliSense here to do my properties. So I can do a string and I'll call it, name hit enter, prop, tab tab, string again, description. So a lot of those shortcuts that you've used inside of Visual Studio for Windows if you've been using that are available here in terms of the Intellisense and the things that you're going to see when you're typing these out. Of course, the code is just C sharp. I'm just creating a class called product. Give a name, a description and I'm going to use this product class to represent that…
