From the course: Xamarin Essential Training: Create Your First App

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Connect the data to the UI

Connect the data to the UI

- [Presenter] We've got our layout, but we need to go get some data, so I'm going to go to this code behind, you can see we've got a lot of items in here already, and I'm going to go ahead and get rid of this method, because we got rid of the button, and we won't be able to do the button click, and so, I'm going to start with that property that we bound our list to. So, if I do a prop full, you can see, there's going to be a list of product, and I'm going to call that products, and then we'll go through here, getting a little bit of an error here because product is a name space. is the name of my app, so I'm going to do product app dot library there, dot product. I'm going to go ahead and copy that, and this'll just make this more clear as to what that type is that we're using. That's a basic property, and that gets me that particular piece, but we're going to go out and get that data asynchronously, and we're…
