From the course: Xamarin Essential Training: Create Your First App

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Build the user interfaces

Build the user interfaces

- [Instructor] This next step we're going to add to the split view, the content view and that's where we're going to put the detail. So we'll do split view dot content, defines that sub property there. And here we don't need a template. We can just add a stack panel, say the orientation is vertical, and then inside of there you can add those text blocks. And for the text we are going to data bind again, but here instead of binding to a data context, we're going to bind to a particular element. So we want to bind back to that list view and get the selected item. In order to do that, we need to come back up to the list of you and give it a name that we can use to refer to it. So we'll just call this our product list. Now if I come to here my binding say element name already knows product list is on there and the path then is going to be selected item dot name. It's going to give me the name for the item in the list. So…
