From the course: Xamarin Essential Training: Create Your First App

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Build the user interfaces

Build the user interfaces

- [Instructor] Let's drill into our cell here cause we want to get into the details of how that's going to look to display data. For right now, I'm going to move this library window out of my way. I'm going to come over here and indicate that the style of the cell is going to be subtitle and if I select that, you'll notice in that middle designer it shows you that I have a title and a subtitle. This is a handy way if I've just got these two bits of text like I do, name and description, to create a list with this out of the box format. So you could certainly go in and do something custom but here, this is going to work for me. For the accessory, this is a little bit of information that can display on the right hand side of the particular item in the table. So for example, if I choose disclosure indicator, I get the little arrow or chevron on the right hand side which indicates to the user that if they tap on this item,…
