From the course: Writing Great Content with Gen AI That Doesn't Sound Fake

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Add a human touch

Add a human touch

- Potential customers have expectations as to what they learn, think about, or even feel when they engage with you. Whether it's educational value, entertainment, or inspiration, your content may or may not deliver on that expectation after your first try with AI. Adding the human touch is an important part of making AI a partner rather than a force that would replace you. After your content is published, it's important to pay attention to audience feedback. This feedback is invaluable in understanding whether your content is resonating with your audience or if adjustments are needed. Once you've learned something from feedback you've received, you can add that concept or approach to your future prompts. Many generative AI programs even allow you to pre-pro your requirements into any chat it creates. Basically, you can create your own content marketing, generative AI chatbot for your product or brand where you make sure AI references prior work to make it part of any content the tool…
