From the course: Working as a Contract or Temporary Employee

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Work/life balance

Work/life balance

- For years, I've been told that I'm not balanced because I work too much. And I kept trying to change. Well, I finally realized I am a very happy, unbalanced person who loves to work. I value my family and leisure time, but my definition of work-life balance is probably much different from yours. Before you decide what type of job to accept, answer one question: how important is work-life balance? A recent study by Glassdoor found that only 23% of U.S. employees take their eligible time off. In fact, the average employee in the U.S. takes less than half of their vacation time. When people do take their vacation time, two-thirds said they worked while they were on vacation. With social media, technology, and mobile devices, we're more connected than ever. And being plugged in 24/7 takes time away from your family and it doesn't allow time for you to decompress. So it's important to make a conscious choice about the amount of time you're willing to give to your work. Define the type of…
