From the course: Working as a Contract or Temporary Employee

Join the flexible workforce

- Imagine having the option of working nine months of the year and taking three off. Or, working from home or from a cabin by the lake. Or what about working only 30 hours a week. All those options exist in the non-traditional world of contractors and temps. Millennials make up 50% of the workforce but don't necessarily wanna work five days a week, 52 weeks a year. And baby boomers like me, has spent most of their lives living to work and are now ready to cut back. No matter what stage of your career working as a temporary employee or contractor is a great option. You can do what you want and work when and where you want. In fact employers say that by 2025 they expect 68% of work will be done by a non-traditional, flexible workforce. My name is Barb Bruno, and it working part time in that cabin by the lake sounds good to you, or, if you just want more time at home with your family, join me for my LinkedIn learning course and I'll show you how to step into the non-traditional workforce.
