From the course: Working as a Contract or Temporary Employee

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Full-time jobs: No stability

Full-time jobs: No stability

- I grew up in Gary, Indiana, where most people graduated from high school, went to work in the mill, and retired 30 years later with a gold watch and a great pension. You never heard of anyone changing jobs. People stayed with the same company, usually in the same department, for life. By the time I entered the working world, things had changed a bit. People changed jobs periodically, but employers wouldn't hire someone who had more than three jobs in 10 years because they were a job hopper. Of course, things keep changing. Now somebody whom you've never met sits in a conference room, makes decisions based on a spreadsheet, and your job disappears. It becomes common place to take a job, learn the job, and then have the rug pulled out from under you. Today we never know how long a new job is going to last. It's hard to find a working person who hasn't been laid off at least once. The world I grew up in, doesn't exist anymore and I'm here to tell you, neither does job security…
