From the course: Working as a Contract or Temporary Employee

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Career goals

Career goals

- Have you ever wondered why some people achieve great success in their careers while others with the same talents and credentials struggle? Maybe they're smarter, luckier, or experience good fortune. But I would argue it's none of those things. The difference between how successful people and average achievers navigate their careers is not brain power, luck, or circumstance. The major difference is how they plan their career goals. To create a plan, you need to start by defining what the word success means to you. The answer to this question will guide you as you set your career goals. Career goals should reflect your personal goals, your core values, and focus on what's most important to you. Success could be defined as something like, financial stability, having an impact, making a difference, improving the environment or planet, or helping others. The possibilities are endless! Write a career sentence that describes what you envision your professional life to be. It should be…
