From the course: Working as a Contract or Temporary Employee

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- It's really frustrating when you've taken courses to add to your skills in marketability and then the first question you're asked in an interview is, so, how much experience do you have using those skills? You can learn new skills by taking courses, but nothing teaches you better than personal experience. That's the beauty of working as a temporary employee or contractor. These opportunities often provide you with additional responsibilities, and most importantly, experience. My friend Karen worked in accounts payable for years, was bored and longed for more responsibility. Her research made her realize that most accounting jobs required knowledge of QuickBooks, so she completed a QuickBooks course on LinkedIn Learning. The problem was she had book knowledge, but not actual work experience, which hiring authorities required. Karen applied with a staffing firm, explained she had basic QuickBooks knowledge, and was placed on a three month contract. She enhanced her basic skills…
