From the course: Working as a Contract or Temporary Employee

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Acquire new skills

Acquire new skills

- I want you to do two Google searches, one for obsolete job skills and the other for the most desirable skills in your area of expertise. Now compare that information with your resume. In today's very competitive job market, you need to have the skills employers are looking for, and they need to be up to date. Technology's evolving at a faster rate than ever before, so it's important to constantly be working to improve your abilities. While being an expert in one specific skill is valuable, you've got to grow. Learning new skills shows employers that you're committed to professional development and that you are an active, dynamic worker. As jobs become obsolete due to technology, new jobs are created to fill the employment gap. That may sound great, but the new jobs will often require more complex skills than the jobs being lost. You need to consistently acquire new skills and embrace technology to stay ahead of job demands. When you excel at your temporary job or contract, companies…
