From the course: What Is Generative AI?

Moral and executive skill set required to work with GenAI - DALL-E Tutorial

From the course: What Is Generative AI?

Moral and executive skill set required to work with GenAI

- Any executive or business leader should approach generative AI tools with caution. We should at all times self-monitor and self-question if the generated results fits our quality and satisfaction parameters. Just because ChatGPT generates headlines, it doesn't mean that what it makes is great. Or just because we can generate a landscape with Stable Diffusion, it doesn't mean it's ready for the final pixel of a movie. During this grace period where we learn to co-create with algorithms, it's crucial that we deepen our executive skills. If we are a founder or an executive in a generative AI company, we shall, at all times, always ask ourselves who is benefiting from our tools? Our moral compass should always direct towards transparency, fairness, empathy, and responsibility. I highly recommend organizing a board or a council at your organization that acts like the ethical foundation for the integration of generative ai. Provide, please, all your employees with ethical guidance and education on how to use generative AI effectively, and also how to overcome their fears, challenges, and biases towards this new advanced tool. As the technology continues to evolve, it's very likely that the distinction between human and algorithm-generated content will become increasingly blurred, and it will become even more important for leaders like you to have a clear understanding of the role of each. We will remain in control of AI by always positioning the human consciousness in the very center of generative AI companies and solutions. Especially in our organizations, we must ensure that humans remain the sole decision makers. In this way, we will be setting the objectives and determine the direction of AI-generated content. By keeping humans at the very center, we can ensure that the content produced by generative AI aligns with your company values and goals, which have to do with serving the elation and elevation of humanity. By actively engaging with generative AI technology and developing a deep understanding of its capabilities and limitations all across your team, we can avoid the potential risks associated with blindly relying on AI to make decisions for us. Well, ultimately, the goal is to strike a beautiful balance between leveraging the power of generative AI to enhance human creativity and imagination, and optimizing production, while also maintaining human control and oversight over this advanced technology.
