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Vector illustration

Vector illustration

- Vector illustration describes digital artwork using a variety of high-precision tools to create a crisply illustrated image. Vector illustration based software has an advantage to pixel based. This is because mathematical formulas are used to instruct the lines and curves, and because of this, it's re-scalable, meaning you can super zoom in as far as your want and the image will still look sharp and crisp. If you try to re-scale a pixel based drawing, all you'd get would be a pixelated or blurry mess. On the other hand, pixel-based art is able to do many more visual effects like smearing, texture, and mixing colors in a natural, media-like way. The hallmarks of vector illustration include highly controlled lines, curves and shadings at any zoom level. These softwares also have a new generation of tools that employ the Wacom pen and tablet to create natural media appearing artwork. Let's take look at a vector illustration based software, aptly named, Illustrator. We'll get a chance…
