From the course: Transitioning from Manager to Leader

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Become a thought leader

Become a thought leader

- Ever been in a meeting like this? The whole team is stuck trying to solve a problem, but one person has the insight to recommend a surprising solution, a new opportunity, a direction never before considered, and that contribution made all the difference? That's the result of thought leadership. Developing this powerful skill will separate you from the rest of the pack. So what is thought leadership? And what positions someone to be perceived as a thought leader? Thought leaders are people who passionately consume information about their industries and business overall. They are endlessly curious, and they have an ability to connect the dots on all of the ideas and concepts in interesting and unusual ways, giving them a unique point of view. Thought leaders can see things other people can't. No, it's not x-ray vision for business. Instead, that enhanced capacity comes from the habit of constant knowledge acquisition.…
