From the course: Threat Hunting Essential Training

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- [Mike] We've reached the end of the course. By now, you should have an understanding of the difference between proactive and reactive cyber defenses, foundational skills needed to threat hunt, and some tools and frameworks to help get you started. Now that you have foundational knowledge of threat-hunting, you're ready to start hunting. This is the very beginning of your threat-hunting journey. Don't get discouraged if you don't find anything right away. You'll be surprised how quickly you can pick up threat-hunting if you put in the time learning and practicing. And if you need some training on what to do next, check out some of the other courses on threat detection and threat-hunting here in the LinkedIn Learning Library. If you're interested in threat-hunting and staying up to date with the threat landscape, connect with me on LinkedIn. I share related content regularly. Thanks for watching.
