From the course: The Step-by-Step Guide to Rock Your Job Interview

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What to do if you make a mistake in an interview

What to do if you make a mistake in an interview

From the course: The Step-by-Step Guide to Rock Your Job Interview

What to do if you make a mistake in an interview

- Mistakes in a stressful situation like a job interview are normal, and the hiring manager knows that. They're human, and they're not looking for perfection, but rather to see how you problem solve and handle a little bit of pressure that comes with a job interview, including making a mistake and how you change your communication accordingly. So if you said or did something awkward, address it right then and there. I like to say, "I just made this very awkward, didn't I?" And smile. This shows that you're aware that you made a mistake and lightens up the mood. Then correct yourself and offer what you meant to say instead. Don't linger on it too long or beat yourself up though. Just acknowledge it gracefully and then move on. Another common thing that happens when you're under stress is you forget to share a key detail and it comes to you later. If you realize that you forgot to mention an important fact or number in an earlier answer, you can simply circle back to it. Even better…
