From the course: The Step-by-Step Guide to Rock Your Job Interview

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Market your skills to get the job

Market your skills to get the job

- You don't need to be the ideal candidate for the role to get the job. I have hired for hundreds of roles with the top employers in the country, and countless times I've seen ideal candidates that checked all the boxes fail at passing even the first round of interviews, and that's because the best marketer gets the job, not the most qualified person for the job. Let me say that again. The best marketer gets the job, not the most qualified person. And while your skills and experience are important for the job, they are not enough to lend the offer. In addition to the skills, the employer is looking to see first a pattern of success, they want to hear that you are a superstar, what you've done in the past, which is the best indicator that you will be successful in your next role. This really is one of the main goals of job interviews. Being a good marketer means that you can articulate not just the skills and experience you have, but also how successful you have been at it. In order to…
