From the course: The Science of Selling: Proven Strategies to Close the Deal

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- [Host] Strategy number three, mirroring. Mirroring is a productive strategy that will improve your sales presentations. One is mirroring, think about it like this. If you notice someone yawning, why do you also feel the sudden urge to yawn? When you see a person take a nasty fall, why do you cringe? If you witness someone experiencing tremendous sadness, you literally feel their pain. Why, what makes the experiences of others evoke similar feelings in you? The answer to all these questions is found in a powerful behavior called mirroring in which one person emulates aspects of another person's verbal or non-verbal behavior. An overwhelming amount of scientific evidence confirms that mirroring will increase one's ability to influence another. For example, two different studies published in psychological science concluded that mirroring boost rapport, which increases receptivity to a persuasive message. That's not all.…
