From the course: The Importance of Biodiversity to Business

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Business transformation to stop biodiversity loss

Business transformation to stop biodiversity loss

From the course: The Importance of Biodiversity to Business

Business transformation to stop biodiversity loss

- The transformation of business to stop biodiversity loss is a big lift, but also presents a wealth of opportunities. Companies can actually have it both ways. By adopting practices that protect ecosystems and contribute to long-term business resilience and profitability. Begin to factor biodiversity impact into financial reporting and integrate into financial performance. The international task force on nature related financial disclosures developed a set of recommendations and guidance that encourage and enable business to assess, report, and act on their nature related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities. The recommendations and guidance will enable businesses and finance to integrate nature into decision making. Shift the current paradigm for supplier relationships by collaborating with other brands to define joint standards for suppliers. The suppliers will benefit from less operational complexity and economies of scale, while brands can push for more stringent…
