From the course: The Importance of Biodiversity to Business

Biodiversity-related risks to business

- There are many risks businesses face due to biodiversity loss. Three key risks I'll discuss here are supply chain disruptions, reputation, and increased operational costs. The impact biodiversity loss has on the supply chain is a major risk. According to the World Economic Forum, more than half of the world's GDP depends on high or moderately high biodiversity and industries rely on diverse ecosystems for their raw materials. The degradation of these ecosystems can lead to shortages, increased costs, and operational challenges. And governments worldwide are recognizing the importance of biodiversity conservation and are implementing stricter regulations to protect their own natural resources from being sold to or owned by others. Consumers are also holding businesses accountable for their impact on biodiversity in nature. A study by Nielsen found that 73% of consumers are willing to change their consumption habits to reduce their environmental impact. Companies associated with biodiversity loss, such as those contributing to deforestation or over exploitation of resources, risk damaging their reputation and losing customer trust. The degradation of ecosystems can lead to increased operational costs for businesses as well. For example, climate change, a driver of biodiversity loss, can result in extreme weather events affecting infrastructure and disrupting operations. The Global Risk Report by the World Economic Forum highlights the increasing concern among business leaders about the financial impacts of climate related risks. Biodiversity loss limits the pool of genetic resources available for innovation, particularly in industries like agriculture and pharmaceuticals. The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity notes that the loss of biodiversity hampers the potential for new discoveries and advancements. Businesses that rely on biodiversity for innovation may find their productivity compromised. Biodiversity related risks to businesses are real and multifaceted. However, recognizing these risks also opens the door to opportunities. Companies that prioritize sustainability and implement biodiversity related conservation measures cannot only mitigate these risks, but more effectively compete in a changing business landscape.
