From the course: The Importance of Biodiversity to Business

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Biodiversity and the food value chain

Biodiversity and the food value chain

- Over the next several conversations, we'll explore the relationship between specific business sectors and biodiversity. Uncovering how their activities impact ecosystems. Growing and producing the food we eat is dependent on the diversity of life on earth and agriculture, food processing, transportation and food consumption, all impact biodiversity. The expansion of agriculture to meet growing food, fiber and fuel demand has led to the destruction of natural habitats globally and contributed to biodiversity loss. Large scale cultivation of single crops or monocultures and intensive use of chemicals on the land can deplete soil nutrients, increase vulnerability to pests and reduce biodiversity, especially pollinators. Implementing crop diversification practices, cover cropping and other sustainable practices can enhance resilience to pests and disease while promoting biodiversity on agricultural farmland. Companies like General Mills are promoting regenerative agriculture in their…
