From the course: The Importance of Biodiversity to Business

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Biodiversity and the energy value chain

Biodiversity and the energy value chain

- The energy value chain encompasses the production, distribution, and consumption of energy, and is a major driver of global biodiversity loss. Energy exploration, including drilling, digging, and fracking, all take a significant toll on biodiversity in nature. Energy production often requires substantial land use change tied to the construction of power plants and power lines that often leads to habitat destruction and fragmentation. Many energy production methods, including conventional hydropower and cooling processes and power plants require high levels of water use and excessive water withdrawal negatively impacts aquifers, aquatic ecosystems, rivers, streams, lakes, and the ocean. Companies like Avangrid in the USA are working on the transition to renewable energy through new wind, solar, and hydro-based projects. Orsted, a Danish energy company, has shifted its focus from fossil fuels to wind power, reducing its carbon footprint, and minimizing negative impacts on…
