From the course: Ten Security Tips for Developers

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- [Instructor] All right, we've reached the end. Let's review. The 10 security principles and practices covered in this course are: Don't trust the user, validate and sanitize everything, limit privileges, encrypt everything, don't trust yourself, separate public and private data, understand the limitations of client-side field verification, authenticate every interaction, beware leaks in the console, and finally, assume your walls will be breached. As you've learned over this brief time we've shared, implementing these practices in your development practice today is totally doable. Now, I encourage you to make them part of your standard practice and to dive further into the subject of developing for security. We have a long list of courses in our library to help you as you take your next steps. Now, all that's left for me to say is (indistinct), go build security into your applications, and I'll see you in…
