From the course: Ten Security Tips for Developers

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Don't trust yourself!

Don't trust yourself!

- [Instructor] Did you lock the door? Did you turn off the stove before you left the house? Did you close the fridge? Is the light still on? It's fascinating how once doing something becomes routine, our memory of having done it becomes fleeting to the point where we often can't remember at all, and then on the rare occasion when you actually forgot to do something, the only way you'll find out is by going back and checking. When it comes to development, we can't trust ourselves to make sure all security measures are addressed and that everything is working properly. There are many reasons for this of which two are the memory hole problem I just mentioned and the fact that we're way too close to our own creations to be impartial judges of their functionality. Here's the long and short of it. You, as a developer, can't trust yourself when it comes to the security of the things you develop, and you can't rely on yourself…
