From the course: Technical Recruiting

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How to directly market candidates

How to directly market candidates

From the course: Technical Recruiting

How to directly market candidates

- Have you ever interviewed a Rock Star tech candidate, only to be totally frustrated by the fact that you don't have a current opening that matches their credentials? This scenario happens to all of us. But when you interview a qualified tech candidate, you owe it to yourself and your hiring authorities, to proactively present their credentials. I don't know many IT Managers, that doesn't have somebody on their team they'd like to upgrade, and if you really have identified somebody in that hard-to-find tech category, often a hiring authority will create a job around the person, just not to lose them. Now there are benefits to marketing candidates directly to hiring authorities. Number one, it helps you as a technology recruiter, identify the most talented people. You learn, that when someone walks in the door, or you have a conversation with somebody that, wait a minute, if I don't place this person, someone else is going to, so I better proactively market them. Number two, it forces…
