From the course: Technical Recruiting

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How to conduct reference checks

How to conduct reference checks

From the course: Technical Recruiting

How to conduct reference checks

- How often do you get down the road only to find out that your candidate is not getting positive reference checks? That's why it's so important to do reference checks as early as you can because reference checks reveal several things. First of all, they're going to reveal the experience and the credentials and skills of your candidate. Next, they're going to reveal accomplishments, and not only the accomplishments, but what was the impact of the accomplishments on their past employers which is something you can sell to a future client. References are also going to show you their decision-making ability and verify their starting date, their pay rate, their salary, and their benefits. And lastly, reference checks give you their reasons for leaving. Now there's various types of reference checks that you can conduct. First of all, there's a telephone reference check, and there are some advantages to doing a telephone reference because you can verify the name of the person who you are…
