From the course: Technical Recruiting

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Create a sense of urgency with stakeholders

Create a sense of urgency with stakeholders

From the course: Technical Recruiting

Create a sense of urgency with stakeholders

- In the past I've lost deals as a result of delays, which was extremely frustrating. It was then that I realized timing is everything in the tech recruiting profession. You need to create urgency with your hiring authorities and I want to share some tips today on exactly how you can do that. First of all request three interviewing times when you accept an order from a client, because this basically shows that they're going to set up your candidates for interviews and it shows you when the interviews are scheduled, so you know when to start your recruiting efforts. Tip number two is you have to inform clients that your candidates have other interviews. Again, if they realize somebody is actively interviewing it's going to basically motivate them to move a little bit quicker. Tip number three to create urgency is ask them what's missing in their department. Too often they'll give you a job description and it doesn't give you some relevant information that can help you do a better job…
