From the course: Technical Product Management

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Your role as a PM during rollout

Your role as a PM during rollout

From the course: Technical Product Management

Your role as a PM during rollout

- Now that you understand the steps needed to successfuly roll out a feature, let's discuss some of the day-to-day skills and tasks you need to carry as a technical product manager of the team. Number one, push the product forward by getting the team aligned. Get all your stakeholders aligned and confirm they are okay to move forward with the formal launch. Number two, be the users' advocate within your organization. Remember that you're representing the user at your company, and your responsibility is to keep reminding your stakeholders why this launch is going to have an impact. You need to cheerlead for the idea and the roadmap until the very end. So maybe sometimes there may be concerns that add severe delays to the product launch. Make sure they're indeed severe enough if you need to push back. Getting a product out sooner rather then later can go a long way. Be the cheerleader of the team. Sometimes last…
