From the course: Technical Product Management

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Technical concepts for PMs: APIs

Technical concepts for PMs: APIs

From the course: Technical Product Management

Technical concepts for PMs: APIs

- Is the word API one of these words that you hear often but still didn't know what it really means? Are APIs even a concept that technical product managers should care about or a concept that a product manager can or should learn about? Understanding the concept of APIs is absolutely crucial for a product manager. Why? Because end users are used to using multiple different products in their day-to-day life. They expect a seamless experience while doing so. At the end of the day, that's the product manager's number one goal, to produce a great user experience for users. For example, if I visit a website that has a YouTube link embedded, I don't expect to be asked to log in in order to be able to watch that video. There are multiple components that are working behind the scenes that allow me to be able to view the YouTube player in the page I'm visiting without me needing to perform any further action. And it's the same…
