From the course: Technical Product Management

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Rolling out your product

Rolling out your product

- The time has come. Your idea has been validated. Your engineering team has built a version of your feature or product that is good enough to lunch. And you have the green light to go ahead and introduce this to your users. But now what? How does rollout work? Rolling out an entirely new product or even a small feature may seem overwhelming. There are numerous, what if, high risk scenarios that could cause severe damage to your organization or startup. So you need to be very, very careful. Thankfully, there are processes in place that can help you manage these risks. Here is its three-step guide that can help you succeed in this process. Number one, make sure you have the green light to proceed that part is very, very important. Very often stakeholders around us try a new products and they get very, very excited, but are they really on board with a public lunch. Prepare a deck, describing what exactly you will be…
