From the course: Technical Product Management

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Avoiding the shiny object trap

Avoiding the shiny object trap

- The shiny object trap in technical product management is real. So this shiny object trap was derived from a syndrome with the same name, which refers to the phenomenon of someone focusing all their attention on something new and current at the expense of whatever they have been or are currently doing. Of course, there are pros and cons to going with the new shiny object, but usually things don't go great for people that do that. So how does that relate to technical product managements? Well, who doesn't want to work niche areas with groundbreaking technology, such as the Metaverse, NFTs, blockchain and so on. All these shiny object technologies are very appealing, and they can set an idea or startup apart, but if they're not attached to a purpose, a pinpoint, a user group, then they can do more harm rather than anything else. If you do want to build technology just for the technology's sake, in order to, for…
