From the course: Tech Trends

Welcome to Tech Trends

From the course: Tech Trends

Welcome to Tech Trends

(mellow electronic music) - If you've been a software developer or worked in information technology for any length of time, you've seen hundreds if not thousands of products and technologies come and go. Some make huge long-term impacts on how we work and play, while others fizzle out. When a technology first appears, it can be difficult to know which of these paths it's going to take. In this course, LinkedIn Learning's Technology Staff Instructor Team shares their insights about products and technologies that have just appeared on the horizon. What are these new tools? Why are they potentially important? If there are controversies, what's being said on each side? And as a technologist, what do you need to do to learn more and prepare for how they may affect the way you work? (mellow electronic music) I'm David Gassner, Managing Staff Instructor for LinkedIn Learning's Technology Library, and I'd like to welcome you to Tech Trends.
