From the course: Tech Career Skills: Effective Technical Communication

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Agile team meetings: Retrospectives

Agile team meetings: Retrospectives

- Many Agile teams aren't sure what to talk about during retrospectives if they have them at all. It may just be an around the room discussion of what went well and what didn't during the sprint. Or it turns into a venting session of failures without any clear plans for change. Neither approach meets the needs of the team or aids in the continuous improvement of Agile practices. Ideally, the sprint retrospective should cover three main questions, what went well during the sprint, what would we like to change, and how can we implement that change. The best way to spark conversation and gather the answers to these questions is by means of objective data. By focusing on facts you reduce the natural impulse of team members to be defensive and view sprint failings as a personal attack. Here are a few numbers worth reviewing. Your team's overall percentage of completed stories, the team velocity, a comparison of your estimated versus actual output, the number of defects reported, this aids…
