From the course: Taking Ownership in Your Career

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Your current state

Your current state

- It's hard to see the forest through the trees. That's what comes to mind when I'm working with clients and analyzing their current position. They tend to get focused on day-to-day tasks and obligations without considering the bigger picture, the forest. In this lesson, you'll take a realistic, honest, and objective look at your current position. Start by identifying three to five major wins you've had in your current position. Consider situations where you've been praised for your work or the completion of a project. In my career, a win is when a client has a breakthrough moment, advances in their career, or I land an influential guest for my podcast. Next, identify consistent and prolonged frustrations you face in your position. Some frustrations are outside of your control and might take reframing or a change to eliminate them. Other frustrations are within your control to manage, like making sure your calendar is…
