From the course: Taking Ownership in Your Career

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Where you want to go

Where you want to go

- Figuring out where to go can be easy for some people and difficult for others. Your experiences, world view, personality, skillset, and obligations differ from the person next to you. And they all need to be taken into consideration when you look toward what's next. At one point in my career, I wanted to completely change functional areas and industries. At the time, the path I wanted to take wasn't viable and had experienced a significant downturn. I ended up choosing a similar path that had more opportunities and was a better fit for me. It required me to obtain a graduate degree, which took time, but it was worth it to be able to feel confident in my career. Opportunity and capability tend to be the most common barriers for professionals looking to make a career move. The way to combat these internal barriers is to focus your attention on the next most logical step in your career path. In this lesson, you'll evaluate…
