From the course: Taking Ownership in Your Career

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Updating your professional pitch

Updating your professional pitch

- When I was a new professional. I remember people talking about an elevator pitch and how you need one, because you never know who you'll meet on an elevator. I always thought this was weird because I never wanted to speak with anyone on an elevator. Your professional pitch is similar to the 32nd elevator pitches of the past, but more substantial. This is a pitch you'll use internally and externally to tell the story of who you are as a professional and where you're headed in your career. This is a pitch you prepare in advance that you can use in multiple situations. Sometimes you'll use all the parts, sometimes you'll only use a few, but having this information prepared in advance makes on the spot networking situations, easier to navigate and helps keep you on brand. In this lesson, I'll walk you through creating a simple and succinct professional pitch to use in work and networking situations. Start with the…
