From the course: Taking Ownership in Your Career

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Overhauling your professional materials

Overhauling your professional materials

From the course: Taking Ownership in Your Career

Overhauling your professional materials

- Many years ago, I had a friend share an opportunity with me that would get me out of a toxic work environment. I realized quickly that it had been a long time since I updated any of my professional materials. Since I wasn't expecting to have to prepare all new materials, I was overwhelmed with the process. Mind you, I was a career coach for an organization at the time. No, the irony is not lost on me. What this experience did was helped me develop new strategies for my clients to be successful and ready when an opportunity presented itself. In this lesson, I'm going to review different professional materials you'll want to keep updated and some tricks to make it easier if a surprise opportunity comes your way. Before you jump into the materials you'll need to update, make sure you have identified the top skills, qualities, or traits that set you apart as a candidate and professional. You want to make sure you…
