From the course: Taking Ownership in Your Career

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Identifying your skills gaps

Identifying your skills gaps

- I've worked with hundreds of clients who want to make a move in their career, but don't believe they have the skills or abilities to make it happen. The reality is you likely have more skills and abilities than you think, you just need to identify them and how they compare with where you're headed next. This type of evaluation in your career is called a skills gap analysis. In this lesson, I'll show you how to evaluate your skillset as it relates to the position you'd like to apply for next in your career. First, find a job description as closely related to what you want to do next as possible. Try to find a job description with a decent amount of information. If there's a position in your current company you're interested in, contact human resources to see if they'll send you the generic job description for the position. Next, grab a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle, on the left side, write down the…
