From the course: Sustainability Strategies

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No such thing as waste

No such thing as waste

- When you think about it, in nature there's really no such thing as waste. The Earth is an incredibly efficient system in which the concept of waste really doesn't exist. So why, you might wonder, have we designed business systems as a take-make-waste model that leaves so much underutilized and creates so much inefficiency? Today's well-managed companies are challenging that model and are focused on using the Earth's limited resources in a more sustainable manner while minimizing their impact on the environment. These businesses gain efficiencies by creating more value with less cost and deliver greater value with fewer inputs. It's plain old fashioned smart business thinking: To do more with less. Bringing the issue right down to your business, how can you more efficiently use resources to better manage your operations? In the next few videos, we'll take a look at two primary resource inputs for almost every business: energy and water.
