From the course: Sustainability Strategies

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Minimize value chain impacts

Minimize value chain impacts

- Simply put, the concept of a value chain versus a supply chain implies that everyone along the chain deserves to extract real, provable value. This was a somewhat radical concept when first introduced 20 plus years ago. Up to that point, a company's supply chain pretty much extended to the first tier relationship it had with its key vendors. Back then, almost everything in your vendor's own supply chain was invisible to your company. The scary thing was much of what was going on in your vendor's supply chain was invisible to them and so on and so on down the supply chain. It became a zero sum game for almost everybody, especially workers and the environment. These days, many of the world's best companies aspire to not just manage risk, but to create real value across their global networks and in their key communities. The concept has various names including creating shared value, but the idea is a basic and proven one and was hammered home by the pandemic, like when some meat…
