From the course: Sustainability Strategies

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Managing supply chains responsibly

Managing supply chains responsibly

From the course: Sustainability Strategies

Managing supply chains responsibly

- Right now, despite customer and investor demand, many companies still don't incorporate sustainability into their supply chain operations. This means they're missing out on a major opportunity to build resilience and responsibility into the business. And if your company hopes to achieve sustainability goals related to climate emission reductions or biodiversity loss, it can achieve those goals without a laser focus on the supply chain. A study by McKinsey identified that out of nine key sustainability initiatives identified by senior executives, most either involve the supply chain directly or have significant implications for it. Put simply, this means that a high percentage of your company's sustainability issues and money saving opportunities are found across your supply chain. So how can you begin to more sustainably manage your supply chain? I'll give you a few good examples and places to get started. Start with your major suppliers. Build on the performance metrics and…
