From the course: Sustainability Strategies

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Driving stakeholder engagement

Driving stakeholder engagement

From the course: Sustainability Strategies

Driving stakeholder engagement

- For much of the 20th century, it was standard practice for most companies to limit engagement with customers, suppliers, investors, and others. These stakeholders were rarely consulted and often ignored as companies went about managing their business behind closed doors. These days, companies find themselves dealing with a much different business reality. Investor, consumer, and community demands for transparency combined with uncertain markets and a regulatory landscape that's ever changing influence how companies operate and thrive. In today's 24/7, always on, wired world, the media is everywhere and everyone. Trust is hard earned and a company's reputation is in the hands of its stakeholders. What does this mean for your business? Stakeholder engagement is no longer optional. It's essential. Modern companies are looking for ways to make stakeholder engagement an idea generating, innovative, collaborative exercise that helps build trust in the brand and ensures a company's license…
