From the course: Sustainability Strategies

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Creating sustainable products and services

Creating sustainable products and services

From the course: Sustainability Strategies

Creating sustainable products and services

- Many companies now see that product development must go beyond product compliance, and that product sustainability initiatives can give a company an edge in meeting business challenges and in satisfying customer product and service preferences. In many leading companies, the goal is to incorporate sustainability thinking as a foundation of the product development process. They're moving beyond mere compliance towards making sustainability a competitive advantage. Visit the websites of companies such as Unilever, Ikea, Patagonia, or REI to learn how these companies articulate their own vision of success around product sustainability. Don't be intimidated by the size of the companies. Instead, think about what might work in your world, big or small. In what areas can you evaluate and improve your own product sustainability efforts? You're in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries in which you do business, right? Can you now substitute less toxic, more…
