From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

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Using Lean Six Sigma for supply chain projects

Using Lean Six Sigma for supply chain projects

From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

Using Lean Six Sigma for supply chain projects

- You know how good it feels to find money just laying on the floor? Well, it turns out that supply chains have money sitting all over the place in the form of broken and inefficient processes. By fixing the problems, we save money. And the way we fix quality problems is through continuous improvement projects using approaches like Lean Six Sigma. Let's look at how Two Trees olive oil used Lean Six Sigma to solve a hidden quality problem in their supply chain. A few months ago, one of their sales representatives got a call from an angry customer with a big supermarket chain. Their store had received a shipment of olive oil, but the labels on many of the bottles were falling off. They couldn't put the bottles on the shelf without labels, so they were worthless and the customer was sending the whole shipment back. What did the salesperson do? Well, Two Trees has a real commitment to quality, so, of course, they offered to…
