From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

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Using a hybrid approach for supply chain projects

Using a hybrid approach for supply chain projects

From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

Using a hybrid approach for supply chain projects

- There's not a one size fits all solution for managing supply chain projects. The bigger and more complex your project is, the more likely it is that you'll need to use a combination of different project management tools. Let's see how Two Trees, Olive Oil is planning to use a hybrid approach to manage the startup of their new e-commerce fulfillment center. In the past Two Trees only sold their products to wholesalers and retailers. That meant they were mostly storing and shipping their products on pallets, and that's what their distribution center was designed to do. But now they've decided to start selling products directly to consumers through their website and that requires a very different kind of distribution system. Instead of shipping whole pallets now they need to be able to pick individual products and ship them out in small packages. In other words, they need an e-commerce fulfillment center. There will be…
