From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

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Transitioning people to the new DIRECT solution for supply chain projects

Transitioning people to the new DIRECT solution for supply chain projects

From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

Transitioning people to the new DIRECT solution for supply chain projects

- People don't really resist change. They resist the transition. To address this resistance, the sixth pillar of the direct model is transitioning the people. Change is something that happens around people while transition is how it affects them. Transitioning is a process that people go through as they respond, adapt, and come to terms with a change. Supply chain projects have many stakeholders and the changes that a project brings about can affect them in different ways. So, we need to think about all of these people and prepare them for the transition. For customers and suppliers, a supply chain project may change the way they do business with you. We can help them transition by informing them of the change way in advance, addressing any concerns they have, and helping them plan ahead and set proper expectations. For people in your company, the project's outcome may change their job in some way. They might…
