From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

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Resolving to a DIRECT course of action for supply chain projects

Resolving to a DIRECT course of action for supply chain projects

From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

Resolving to a DIRECT course of action for supply chain projects

- In this video, we'll look at the third element of the direct framework, resolving to a course of action, and some tools we can use to get everyone on the same page for our project. As we explore all of the different options for solving a problem, there's a real risk that we can get bogged down in analysis paralysis. At some point, we need to make a decision about what we're actually going to do, and we need to make sure that everyone understands the plan. The definition of the word resolve is to decide firmly on a course of action. Getting our stakeholders on board as we build the project plan is important for two reasons. When everyone knows the plan, communication and collaboration are more effective. And when everyone understands their roles and responsibilities, they can be held accountable for their contributions and will take their responsibilities more seriously. Overall, getting everyone on board with your plan…
