From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

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Exercise: Starting up a new distribution center

Exercise: Starting up a new distribution center

From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

Exercise: Starting up a new distribution center

- Let's put the direct framework into practice. We'll use it for the project of starting a new e-commerce fulfillment center for Two Trees Olive Oil. If you have access to the course exercise files you can use the direct worksheet as a template. Otherwise, you can do this exercise on a blank sheet of paper. Look at each element of the direct framework and think about what questions you would need to ask and what tools you could use to ensure that each element is addressed. Define the objective. Why would Two Trees need to open an e-commerce fulfillment center? The answer is probably that they want to fill online orders efficiently. So the ultimate goal is to increase revenue and reduce the costs for generating that revenue. We can document this business case in a project charter so that everyone can understand the goal. Investigate the options. We might do some modeling of our logistics network to help us understand…
