From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

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Defining the DIRECT objective for supply chain projects

Defining the DIRECT objective for supply chain projects

From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

Defining the DIRECT objective for supply chain projects

- Every movie starts with a screenplay that lays out the story. When we're managing a supply chain project, we tell the story with documents like a proposal or a charter to explain what the project is supposed to do. Those documents clarify our expectations. In the previous video, we talked about the six pillars of the direct project leadership framework. Now it's time to dive more deeply into the first element, defining the objective. Defining the objective means being clear about what we want to do, not how we want to do it. We need to explain why the project will benefit the organization, define our requirements and build a business case that justifies the investment. Benefits provide motivation. They're the reason we should do the project. Benefits can often be described using three categories: People, planet and profit. Many call this the triple bottom line approach. Benefits to people are things that increase safety…
