From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

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Analyzing supply chain processes using value stream mapping

Analyzing supply chain processes using value stream mapping

From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

Analyzing supply chain processes using value stream mapping

- You know the saying, "A picture's worth a thousand words?" By drawing a picture we can often get a better understanding of how supply chains really work. Value stream mapping is a technique that analyzes the flow of materials and information needed to produce a product or a service. It's a graphical representation of the steps involved in a process. From when the raw materials are obtained to when the finished product is delivered to the customer. The key parts of a value stream map are the process steps, a detailed list of all the steps in the process from beginning to end. A flow diagram, a visual representation of the process, showing how each step links to the next. The value stream, a graphic that shows where value is added in the process. The cycle time, the total time it takes to complete the process from start to finish. And the lead times, the time between starting and completing each step in the process.…
